
  • Mikki Willis. Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure. The Book They Don't Want You to Read

    Mikki Willis. Plandemic: Fear Is the Virus. Truth Is the Cure - The Book They Don't Want You to Read

    An excerpt from the book:

    "...A few weeks later, [my producer] Erik called to tell me he had "good news and bad news." "Hit me with the bad," I said. He replied, "I just learned that our writer is not on our side. She believes the mainstream narrative and thinks we’re crazy."

    "Wonderful," I said as I braced for yet another hit piece. "What’s the good news?" Erik answered, "Actually, she thought we were crazy. She doesn’t think that anymore. Her mind is blown by what she’s discovering through her research."

    We dive deep into the forbidden realms of facts and reality, covering such topics as:
    - My personal story. The death of my brother and mother within the same month, and how those losses led to Pl@ndemic.
    - The real origins of the virus. Tracking the paper trail to fraudulent patents and deadly research practices.
    - The agenda to reduce our civil liberties. Who’s behind this agenda, and what their endgame is.
    - Breaking down the simulations and manifestos that warned us years before of what we’re now just waking up to.
    - How to wake up from psychological subversion and mass psychosis.
    - How the media and their accomplices known as the "fact checkers" control the global narrative.
    - Why tried-and-true medicines are being suppressed, while untested experiential drugs are being pushed.
    - Identifying medicines and modalities that can protect us from future outbreaks.
    - The hidden studies on masks and the dangers of "rebreathing" carbon dioxide.
    - The inconvenient truth about Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci and the governing institution they control.
    - Why the richest men in the world are buying up American homes and farmland.
    - Who’s profiting from the pandemic. Would it surprise you to know that COVID gave birth to 500 new billionaires in a single year? Yeah, me too.

  • Never Again Is Now Global, the documentary

    Never Again Is Now Global — The Film

    Holocaust survivors, children of survivors and grandchildren -- as well as German freedom fighters -- express their shock at today's fear-mongering and divisive dictates that are reminiscent of the prelude to the Holocaust.

    Episode 1. Here We Go Again On Steroids

    Episode 1. Here We Go Again On Steroids

    Déjà vu. Beginning the dialogue and outrage of the comparisons of then and now as told by eyewitnesses and relatives.

    Episode 2. Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie

    Episode 2. Anyone Who Wants To Start A War Has To Lie

    Once you see a lie, you can't un-see it. Survivors and their descendants recognize the weapons of deception and fear mongering propaganda.

    Episode 3. Breaking The Veil Of The Real Conspirators

    Episode 3. Breaking The Veil Of The Real Conspirators

    As patterns and parallels are identified, we begin to see the continuity of genocidal operations. The same powerful family dynasties and corporate entities behind it all, come into clearer view.

    Episode 4. This Time Around We’re All Jews

    Episode 4. This Time Around We’re All Jews

    Today’s false narrative, the suspension of freedom, coercive medical dictates, and violation of human rights are not limited to Jews. Today’s genocidal agenda targets the global human population.

    Episode 5. Never Give In – Never Give Up

    Episode 5. Never Give In – Never Give Up

    The Holocaust was facilitated by sheep-like mass obedience to illegitimate authority. Those who resisted – by falsifying their identity, by jumping off the trains to Auschwitz and joining the partisans - had a higher survival rate than those who obeyed!

  • Planet Lockdown: A Documentary

    Planet Lockdown is a 90-minute documentary on the situation the world finds itself in. We spoke to some of the brightest and bravest minds in the world including epidemiologists, scientists, doctors, lawyers, protesters a statesman and a prince. These brave souls had the courage to speak truth against all odds and inspire us to do the same. We must have the courage to overcome our fears. Once we do, it gets easier every time. By watching this documentary, you will have the equivalent of a masters degree on current events.




    More content @ Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
    More content @ Second Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
  • Protestele în Europa împotriva noilor restricţii din valul 4 (Subiectiv cu Razvan Dumitrescu)

    Protestele în Europa împotriva noilor restricţii din valul 4 (Subiectiv cu Razvan Dumitrescu)

    Azi cetățenii multor țări dezvoltate îmi inspiră mândrie, optimism și speranță că, totuși nu va fi dat peste cap la nivel global, în cel mai anticonstituțional fel, modul de viață firesc al oamenilor treziți.

  • Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity

    Restore Scientific Integrity

    A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.

    17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

    We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.


    The mission of the Global COVID Summit


  • Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

    A light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

  • Science for Hire (by Gary Null)

    Science for Hire takes us on a journey through the most critical scientific issues that directly affect our health and well-being, shedding light on the hidden secrets of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military industrial complexes. Following a long history of systemic corruption across medical organizations and schools, scientific publications and federal regulatory agencies, we enter a world where pseudo-science and misinformation rules.

    Billions of dollars are spent to manipulate and buy the allegiance of elected officials and the media. Those who speak up against modern science's culture of corruption risk having their careers destroyed. Governments operate in lockstep with the pharmaceutical ambitions to erect an unregulated global regime, a "Great Reset," that will dictate what we can eat, what medical interventions are permitted and banned, and the rewards and punishments that legislate our choices.

    Science for Hire describes a broken system and offers hard hitting solutions to spark clarion calls to take heed of the realities facing humanity today.

  • Senator Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion

    Discussion begins around 40 minute mark. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

  • The Blue Dot documentary (russian & romaninan subtitles)

    Документальный фильм "The Blue Dot" имеет целью информировать общественность о том, что на самом деле происходит на планете.

    "The Blue Dot" затронет все вызовы, угрожающие будущему человечества. Пандемии, войны, изменение климата, экономическое разрушение, внедрение универсального базового дохода, цифровизация планеты и личный контроль с помощью микрочипов — все это лишь этапы на пути к достижению цели: абсолютного контроля над ресурсами планеты, а также над умом и телом человека.

    Трансгуманистские философы считают, что современное общество разрушает планету. По их мнению, этот разрушительный процесс может достигнуть апогея к 2030 году. После этого десятилетия "Новый Мировой Порядок" будет сформирован небольшой элитой, которая будет наслаждаться всеми материальными благами. Этот дистопический сценарий уже начал принимать форму, и глобалистские элиты официально сформулировали его в рамках программы, названной "Повестка дня 2030".

    Под красивыми лозунгами, такими как "Конец бедности" или "0 Голод", и украшенные красочными обертками, скрывается план, направленный на изменение всех аспектов наших свободных обществ в пользу нескольких частных конгломератов.

    Этот "Новый Мировой Порядок" имеет несколько названий: "Великий сброс", "Повестка дня 2030", "Экологизм", "Глобализм", "Трансгуманизм"... но все они служат одной программе, направленной на внедрение новой модели общества под контролем глобалистских элит.

    В рамках этого глобалистического плана термин "психопандемия" был представлен как "ускоряющее средство". Эти новые правители, не имея демократической легитимности, теперь претендуют на право управлять людьми во имя всемирного здоровья и безопасности на основе якобы научных доказательств. План не пошел так гладко, как они ожидали, но, вероятно, они попробуют его осуществить снова...

  • The Detriment of Masking by Dr. Christina Parks

  • The Indoctrinators, Part 1: George Soros

    The Indoctrinators, Part 1:  George Soros

    "Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive" C. S. Lewis

    The world is a far darker place than it was three years ago. Besides the treachery of politicians and the foolishness of millions, much blame for this New Dark Age and feudal system to match falls on four well-known men whose purposeful social engineering over the years has undermined national democracies and economies, and created fertile ground for the final realisation of their post democracy dream of a global socialist/fascist world, controlled by supranational organisations such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organisation (WHO) and of course, themselves.

    Their names are well known. George Soros (the subject of today’s article), Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates have exploited the anti-science, authoritarian Covid-19 policies of lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations to further their malign ambitions. Their shared justification is ‘climate change’, possibly the most successful hoax in history thanks to the saintly status of the fourth Indoctrinator, David Attenborough.

  • The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

    The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

    Both John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy paid the ultimate price for daring to expose the corruption that all of the world is just now waking up to.

    Honoring the legacy of his courageous father and uncle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been warning the world for decades about the dangers of Big Pharma’s reckless vaccine agenda.

    As the Founder of Children‘s Health Defense, RFK has been risking it all while working tirelessly to protect our children.

    I’m honored to announce that my friend and ally, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has just completed what is, in my opinion, one of the most consequential and timely books ever written!

    The Real Anthony Fauci is a detailed and devastating exposé of the inner workings of the medical-industrial-media complex and how it has distorted health and healing in the United States and around the world.

    Mikki Willis

  • The Rise of Global Government: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald

    The Rise of Global Government: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald

    An important video presentation for all who are concerned about the World Economic Forum (WEF), "the Great Reset", "Agenda 2030", Klaus Schwab, and other "unelected experts" attempting to exert control over world governments.

    This lengthy, detailed presentation leaves viewers with a complete understanding of what the WEF is trying to implement worldwide.

    Findings and warnings about the World Economic Forum, which is at the forefront of advancing global governance.


    What’s happening in America and around the world today


    Complete 5 hours event


    What is World Economic Forum (WEF)

  • Top Advisor to Klaus Schwab Details the Future of Transhumanism

    Resurfaced World Economic Forum Clip: We Are One Of The Last Generations Of Homo Sapiens.

    Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design... Science may enable life to break out into the inorganic realm.

    Dr. Yuval Noah Harari

  • Tricia Lindsay powerful speech!

    When YOU want to push some chemicals into MY body, against my consent - it is RAPE! It is medical Rape!

    Tricia Lindsay gives a very powerful speech to the public about how the US government and governments around the world are violating human rights by imposing mandates and discriminate against the unvaccinated.

  • Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity: Reiner Fuellmich Names Global Conspirators Of The WEF

    We are dealing with megalomaniacs, psychopaths, and sociopaths...

    Just like many people all over the world, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich watched as numerous governments didn’t hesitate in the slightest to hurl citizens into lockdowns over the COVID-19 pandemic. That was just the start as social distancing, mask mandates, and the highly controversial COVID-19 drug followed shortly after.

  • WHO = World Hack Operation

    WHO = World Hack Operation

    The infiltration and corruption of organizations is, by nature, a covert and pernicious process. It is done by stealth. Hands slowly creep in and get a stranglehold of the management structure, like snakes slithering into place before going for the kill. They plant a fungus that spreads behind the scenes, rotting, eroding and gutting the foundations until the whole edifice collapses.

    The World Health Organization has been compromised and now (ironically) poses a distinct threat to the general wellbeing of people throughout the world. It is planning a binding international treaty that could transfer huge amounts of power from nation states to a corrupted, incompetent technocracy that is effectively under the control of the Chinese Communist Party and its corporate allies. How has this happened and what are we going to do about it?


    The WHO is a threat to global health


  • Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

    Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

    The WEF is a dangerous force in global politics. To adapt Joseph Heller, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean the WEF isn’t after you. A shared distrust of the WEF brings together anti-capitalists on the left and culture-warriors on the right. But that distrust is based on a misunderstanding of what the WEF is these days really all about.

    In short, it’s easy to caricature the WEF and Schwab as something akin to Ian Fleming’s fictious Spectre and its criminal-mastermind Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Yet the agenda now being pursued at settings such as Davos is sufficiently alarming that anyone who believes in preserving things like liberty, sovereignty, and the decentralisation of power should be concerned.

  • Александр Дугин: «Великое пробуждение» против «Большой перезагрузки»

    Александр Дугин: «Великое пробуждение» против «Большой перезагрузки»

    О последней возможности принять альтернативное решение о содержании и направлении будущего

    Приход Байдена в Белый дом означает, что глобалисты переходят и к дальнейшим пунктам. Инаугурация Джо Байдена и уже подписанные им указы, отменившие практически все решения Трампа, означают, что план начал приводиться в действие.

    Победа Байдена не случайный эпизод, а анонсирование глобалистской контратаки, не просто агония провалившегося проекта. Все намного более серьезно. Байден и те силы, которые за ним стоят, воплощают в себе кульминацию исторического процесса, который берет начало еще в Средневековье, достигает зрелости в Новое время вместе с появлением капиталистического общества и сегодня доходит до своей последней стадии — теоретически намеченной с самого начала.

    Половая принадлежность требовала отмены, как и все иные формы коллективной идентичности, изжитые и упраздненные еще раньше. Отсюда гендерная политика, превращение категории пола в нечто «опциональное» и зависящее от индивидуального выбора. И снова здесь мы имеем дело с тем же номинализмом: зачем двоить сущности?! Человек и есть человек как индивидуум, пол же можно выбирать произвольно — как раньше выбирали религию, профессию, нацию и образ жизни.

  • Вся суть книги Клауса Шваба "Великая перезагрузка" ("Великий сброс"). Андрей Фурсов

    Какие контуры нашего ближайшего будущего рисует в своих книгах высокопоставленный клерк глобалистов, доктор Клаус Шваб.