• They're more evil than you think. Evil agenda behind the "great reset"

    They're more evil than you think. Evil agenda behind the "great reset"

    Gammon discovered what appears to be a Bond villainesque agenda to cover up the unfolding financial catastrophe behind the Reset. Diversionary tactics include blaming global warming, scapegoats and external enemies. Just like we are doing to the unvaxxed and Vladimir Putin.

    The Limits to Growth, a book commissioned in 1972 by the Club of Rome, caused a sensation as it explained that the global population would continue to grow exponentially, and that we were living in a world with limited resources. In plain English, there would be too many people and not enough food. His solution was bald and suggested reducing the population or reducing the level of consumption. He did not say how he planned to curb population growth.

  • Thomas Renz @ The Alex Jones Show. The globalist attack on free will

    They'll artificially provoke a global famine, if we let them to...

  • Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC

    Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC


    For some reason, the US CDC was secretly funding research on a highly dangerous weapons-grade biological pathogen at an under-qualified research facility in India.

    In early May, the US Centers for Disease Creation and Propaganda (CDC) announced a $3.6 million grant to “further strengthen and support the Indian government’s efforts to increase laboratory capacity for SARS-COV-2 testing.” But just days later, it was reported that the grant may be delayed because the CDC was placed on a “watch list” by the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs last December.

    Wait, what? The Indian government placed the CDC on a “watch list” last year? Why?

  • Top Advisor to Klaus Schwab Details the Future of Transhumanism

    Resurfaced World Economic Forum Clip: We Are One Of The Last Generations Of Homo Sapiens.

    Science is replacing evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not the intelligent design of some God above the clouds, but OUR intelligent design... Science may enable life to break out into the inorganic realm.

    Dr. Yuval Noah Harari

  • Tricia Lindsay powerful speech!

    When YOU want to push some chemicals into MY body, against my consent - it is RAPE! It is medical Rape!

    Tricia Lindsay gives a very powerful speech to the public about how the US government and governments around the world are violating human rights by imposing mandates and discriminate against the unvaccinated.

  • trustWHO (2018)

    Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.

    Martin Luther King

    If tomorrow they'll ask you to walk on your hands, believe me, you will walk on your hands.



    A damning investigation into the World Health Organisation's hidden practices.

    Is the WHO sick? The filmmaker and mother Lilian Franck reveals clandestine influences by the tobacco, pharmaceutical and nuclear industries on the organization. She shows a frightening portrayal of our present society, in which governmental politics is becoming obsolete.

  • Wanted For Crimes Against Humanity: Reiner Fuellmich Names Global Conspirators Of The WEF

    We are dealing with megalomaniacs, psychopaths, and sociopaths...

    Just like many people all over the world, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich watched as numerous governments didn’t hesitate in the slightest to hurl citizens into lockdowns over the COVID-19 pandemic. That was just the start as social distancing, mask mandates, and the highly controversial COVID-19 drug followed shortly after.

  • What Other Countries Can Learn From Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    What Other Countries Can Learn From Italy During the COVID-19 Pandemic

    Italy is a decentralized country; thus, preparedness and containment may have been hampered. There was a delay from the first case detection (February 21, 2020) to the first containment decree from the government that closed the relevant villages 3 days later. The lessons relevant to other countries are the need to avoid bringing patients with suspected SARS-CoV-2 infection to the hospital, except when they clearly require hospital care; maintain strict hygienic procedures in the hospital environment; and act swiftly in case of exposures of medical personnel to avoid loss of personnel capacity.

  • WHO = World Hack Operation

    WHO = World Hack Operation

    The infiltration and corruption of organizations is, by nature, a covert and pernicious process. It is done by stealth. Hands slowly creep in and get a stranglehold of the management structure, like snakes slithering into place before going for the kill. They plant a fungus that spreads behind the scenes, rotting, eroding and gutting the foundations until the whole edifice collapses.

    The World Health Organization has been compromised and now (ironically) poses a distinct threat to the general wellbeing of people throughout the world. It is planning a binding international treaty that could transfer huge amounts of power from nation states to a corrupted, incompetent technocracy that is effectively under the control of the Chinese Communist Party and its corporate allies. How has this happened and what are we going to do about it?


    The WHO is a threat to global health


  • Who Is Bill Gates?

    Who Is Bill Gates?

    Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go “back to normal.” The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.

  • Who is Klaus Schwab?

    Is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man in the world?

  • Who Is W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

    Who Is W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has come under increased scrutiny not only for his questionable response to the pandemic itself, but also for his background, which could go a long way toward explaining why he seems so sympathetic to communist China.

  • WHO Official Urges World Leaders to Stop Using Lockdowns as Virus Control Method

    WHO Official Urges World Leaders to Stop Using Lockdowns as Virus Control Method

    When Google, YouTube, Reddit, Facebook or Twitter decide to bury information, you know you are on to something.

    We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus. The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it.

  • Why Expose Bill Gates

    Question everything, come to your own conclusions.

    Why Bill Gates? Why are all these people on the internet trying to warn about Bill Gates in the midst of this global pandemic? Isn’t Gates a philanthropist who’s trying to help the world out by donating his fortune to good causes?”


    Gates's Population Control Grid


  • Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

    Why it isn’t mad to oppose the World Economic Forum

    The WEF is a dangerous force in global politics. To adapt Joseph Heller, just because you are paranoid, doesn’t mean the WEF isn’t after you. A shared distrust of the WEF brings together anti-capitalists on the left and culture-warriors on the right. But that distrust is based on a misunderstanding of what the WEF is these days really all about.

    In short, it’s easy to caricature the WEF and Schwab as something akin to Ian Fleming’s fictious Spectre and its criminal-mastermind Ernst Stavro Blofeld. Yet the agenda now being pursued at settings such as Davos is sufficiently alarming that anyone who believes in preserving things like liberty, sovereignty, and the decentralisation of power should be concerned.

  • Билл Гейтс знает как решить проблему выброса CO2 (Углекислый газ)

    The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now, if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that [the world population] by 10 or 15 percent.




    More content @ Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
    More content @ Second Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
  • Включенный микрофон в Белом Доме, случайно записал любопытное о ко..гхм..вирусе

    Я просто осторожно так оставлю это тут...

  • Вся суть книги Клауса Шваба "Великая перезагрузка" ("Великий сброс"). Андрей Фурсов

    Какие контуры нашего ближайшего будущего рисует в своих книгах высокопоставленный клерк глобалистов, доктор Клаус Шваб.

  • Извращённая "религия" глобальных элит

    Мировоззрение элит

    Происходящее сейчас в мире:
    - подмена традиционных ценностей агрессивной толерантностью к меньшинствам
    - искусственно спровоцированная пандемия
    - губительные меры борьбы против ковида с катастрофическими последствиями для мировой экономики
    - принудительная вакцинация, опасным для здоровья, экспериментальным генетическим препаратом
    - "зелёные" паспорта
    - прямое вмешательство коррумпированного здравоохранения во все сферы человеческого бытия
    - тотальная цифровизация социального присутствия
    - внедрение глобальной системы социального кредита
    - разжигание войны на Украине с последующим искусственно созданным глобальным кризисом продовольствия
    все эти события являются результатом гиперматериалистического взгляда на существование, рассматривающего жизнь нашего вида на планете как конечное индивидуалистическое автономное биологическое явление.

    Такое мировоззрение - результат исторического утверждения Ницше о смерти Бога в социуме.

    Не суть каким образом люди разных рас и культур относятся к слову или идее существования Бога, важно то, что глобалисткие элиты провозглашают себя богами, и считая себя таковыми они будут действовать как языческие боги, решая, кому жить, а кому умереть, на подобии римских императоров, решающих жить человеку или умереть одним движением большого пальца.

    Исходя из своего мировоззрения элиты возомнившие себя богами, приняли решение "обратить палец вниз", определив таким образом судьбу миллиардов "простых смертных".

    Мы, человечество, столкнулись с беспрецедентным языческим извращением фундаментальной идеи гуманизма.

    Это извращение является доминирующей системой "верований" олигархии, их истиной "религией", которую они активно выдают за "науку".

    Источник мысли:

  • Ковид и мир: кто кого?

    Коронавирус меняет наш мир. Что нас ждет — новая “нормальность” или искаженная реальность? Каким будет постковидное будущее человечества? Что впереди — новый Ренессанс или отчаянный упадок?