Clinicians, Researchers, & Health Experts from Around the World
    Interrogating the Mainstream Narrative Around the Pandemic

    We believe this crisis represents a world-changing opportunity to expose and transform antiquated ideologies that restrict health freedom. Germ theory is a scientifically bankrupt paradigm based in warfare models of pathogenic invasion. This theory has been leveraged as an instrument for geopolitical and social control – largely in the form of a vaccination agenda – to subdue the populace through coerced and forced bodily penetration and associated disability, mortality, and surveillance. As a result, conventional Western medicine functions as a sort of religion based on consensus assumptions and dogmatic medical monotheistic posturing. At its core, this approach is not salugenic or scientific and thus violates its stated ethical parameters around informed consent, beneficence, and an uncompromised evidence base.

    We believe that citizens should be free to exercise their natural right to practice medicine as they see fit – in retention both of bodily sovereignty and civil liberties. To that end, we orient ourselves around the foundational premises that the body is inherently wise, that symptoms are meaningful, and that radical healing is eminently possible when we align with the earth and honor our place in the natural world.

  • Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity

    Restore Scientific Integrity

    A Joint Statement, representing 17,000 Physicians and Medical Scientists to end the National Emergency, Restore Scientific Integrity, and Address Crimes Against Humanity.

    17,000 physicians and medical scientists declare that the state of medical emergency must be lifted, scientific integrity restored, and crimes against humanity addressed.

    We, the physicians and medical scientists of the world, united through our loyalty to the Hippocratic Oath, recognize that the disastrous COVID-19 public health policies imposed on doctors and our patients are the culmination of a corrupt medical alliance of pharmaceutical, insurance, and healthcare institutions, along with the financial trusts which control them. They have infiltrated our medical system at every level, and are protected and supported by a parallel alliance of big tech, media, academics and government agencies who profited from this orchestrated catastrophe.


    The mission of the Global COVID Summit


  • Rockefeller Medicine

    As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you.



  • Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion

    A light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of the SAGE behavioural scientists in influencing policy and the role of the media and Big Tech companies in supressing free and open debate on the subject.

  • Science for Hire (by Gary Null)

    Science for Hire takes us on a journey through the most critical scientific issues that directly affect our health and well-being, shedding light on the hidden secrets of the scientific, pharmaceutical, and military industrial complexes. Following a long history of systemic corruption across medical organizations and schools, scientific publications and federal regulatory agencies, we enter a world where pseudo-science and misinformation rules.

    Billions of dollars are spent to manipulate and buy the allegiance of elected officials and the media. Those who speak up against modern science's culture of corruption risk having their careers destroyed. Governments operate in lockstep with the pharmaceutical ambitions to erect an unregulated global regime, a "Great Reset," that will dictate what we can eat, what medical interventions are permitted and banned, and the rewards and punishments that legislate our choices.

    Science for Hire describes a broken system and offers hard hitting solutions to spark clarion calls to take heed of the realities facing humanity today.

  • Science Says Healthy People Should NOT Wear Masks

    Science Says Healthy People Should NOT Wear Masks

    Their use may result in those wearing the masks to relax other distancing efforts because they give a false sense of protection.

    “There is no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit,” Dr. Mike Ryan, an epidemiologist who specializes in infectious diseases and public health and who is the executive director of the WHO health emergencies program, said at a media briefing. “In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly”

  • Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus

    Take a look at the numbers from the W.H.O. in an “apples to apples” comparison, the Coronavirus has HALF the mortality rate of the seasonal flu when it comes to "death to confirmed cases" ratio.

  • Second Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits

    Judy Anne Mikovits - a former American research scientist and a controversial virologist.


    Other people are publishing our results with different interpretations, and everyone of the perpetrators of the crimes continue to be paid tens of millions of dollars, for ex. one was awarded a $34000000 grant right after that [our] study was published by Tony Fauci, to set up the center for discovery and diagnostics, and he's been spending it on corona viruses in the different labs ever since.

  • Senator Ron Johnson COVID-19: A Second Opinion

    Discussion begins around 40 minute mark. Sen. Ron Johnson moderates a panel discussion, COVID-19: A Second Opinion. A group of world renowned doctors and medical experts provide a different perspective on the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.

  • The Blue Dot documentary (russian & romaninan subtitles)

    Документальный фильм "The Blue Dot" имеет целью информировать общественность о том, что на самом деле происходит на планете.

    "The Blue Dot" затронет все вызовы, угрожающие будущему человечества. Пандемии, войны, изменение климата, экономическое разрушение, внедрение универсального базового дохода, цифровизация планеты и личный контроль с помощью микрочипов — все это лишь этапы на пути к достижению цели: абсолютного контроля над ресурсами планеты, а также над умом и телом человека.

    Трансгуманистские философы считают, что современное общество разрушает планету. По их мнению, этот разрушительный процесс может достигнуть апогея к 2030 году. После этого десятилетия "Новый Мировой Порядок" будет сформирован небольшой элитой, которая будет наслаждаться всеми материальными благами. Этот дистопический сценарий уже начал принимать форму, и глобалистские элиты официально сформулировали его в рамках программы, названной "Повестка дня 2030".

    Под красивыми лозунгами, такими как "Конец бедности" или "0 Голод", и украшенные красочными обертками, скрывается план, направленный на изменение всех аспектов наших свободных обществ в пользу нескольких частных конгломератов.

    Этот "Новый Мировой Порядок" имеет несколько названий: "Великий сброс", "Повестка дня 2030", "Экологизм", "Глобализм", "Трансгуманизм"... но все они служат одной программе, направленной на внедрение новой модели общества под контролем глобалистских элит.

    В рамках этого глобалистического плана термин "психопандемия" был представлен как "ускоряющее средство". Эти новые правители, не имея демократической легитимности, теперь претендуют на право управлять людьми во имя всемирного здоровья и безопасности на основе якобы научных доказательств. План не пошел так гладко, как они ожидали, но, вероятно, они попробуют его осуществить снова...

  • The Detriment of Masking by Dr. Christina Parks

  • The First Documentary Movie on Tracking Down the Origin of Coronavirus

    From the start of the virus outbreak in China, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has not been forthcoming with information about the virus. In the early days of the outbreak, medical professionals who sounded the alarm were reprimanded by police for spreading "rumors."

    Initially, the CCP said the virus originated at the Huanan Seafood Market, even though it knew patient zero had no connection with the market. Fearing that it might be held accountable for the worldwide pandemic, the CCP shifted its narrative to suggest that the virus originated in the United States and was brought to China by the U.S. military.

  • The Megadeath Intellectuals of the Great Reset

    Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum was built upon the ideas of world government, depopulation, and thermonuclear war.

    The World Economic Forum wasn’t simply the brainchild of Klaus Schwab, but was actually born out of a CIA-funded Harvard program headed by Henry Kissinger and pushed to fruition by John Kenneth Galbraith and the “real” Dr. Strangelove, Herman Kahn. This is the amazing story behind the real men who recruited Klaus Schwab, who helped him create the World Economic Forum, and who taught him to stop worrying and love the bomb.




  • The Pandemic of Bad Science and Public Health Misinformation on Community Wearing of Masks

    The Pandemic of Bad Science and Public Health Misinformation on Community Wearing of Masks

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts began telling us to follow a number of disease mitigation strategies that sounded reasonably scientific, but actually had little or no support in the scientific literature. Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts.

  • The power brokers you never elected

    The global financial elite affects society through platforms such as the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Bilderberg Group. In the documentary by Jonas Nilsson, we get to see the impact in practice.

  • THE RABBIT HOLE by the Plandemic Team

    THE RABBIT HOLE by the Plandemic Team


    Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

    Gautama Buddha

  • The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

    The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

    Both John F. Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy paid the ultimate price for daring to expose the corruption that all of the world is just now waking up to.

    Honoring the legacy of his courageous father and uncle, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been warning the world for decades about the dangers of Big Pharma’s reckless vaccine agenda.

    As the Founder of Children‘s Health Defense, RFK has been risking it all while working tirelessly to protect our children.

    I’m honored to announce that my friend and ally, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., has just completed what is, in my opinion, one of the most consequential and timely books ever written!

    The Real Anthony Fauci is a detailed and devastating exposé of the inner workings of the medical-industrial-media complex and how it has distorted health and healing in the United States and around the world.

    Mikki Willis

  • The Rise of Global Government: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald

    The Rise of Global Government: Leo Hohmann and Dr. Michael Rectenwald

    An important video presentation for all who are concerned about the World Economic Forum (WEF), "the Great Reset", "Agenda 2030", Klaus Schwab, and other "unelected experts" attempting to exert control over world governments.

    This lengthy, detailed presentation leaves viewers with a complete understanding of what the WEF is trying to implement worldwide.

    Findings and warnings about the World Economic Forum, which is at the forefront of advancing global governance.


    What’s happening in America and around the world today


    Complete 5 hours event


    What is World Economic Forum (WEF)

  • The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

    The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

    David Rockefeller, last surviving grandson of oiligarch John D. Rockefeller, is dead. So what does it mean? How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such an extent?




  • The world health order

    Trudeau, Putin, Schwab, and The World Health Order; Surprise! CDC Hiding Data; Ex-BlackRock Manager Exposes Global Cover Up; Convoy Organizer’s Message to Biden & The World