
  • Post Lockdown – The Rockefeller Game Plan Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

    Post Lockdown – The Rockefeller Game Plan Part 2 (of a 2 Part Series)

    How does one define an economic “reopening”? I think most people would say that a reopening means that everything goes back to the way it was before the crisis; or at least as close as possible. Most people would also say that a reopening is something that will last. Simply declaring “America has reopened” while keeping many restrictions in place in certain parts of the country is a bit of a farce. And, reopening with the intention of implementing lockdowns again in a matter of weeks without explaining the situation to the public is a scam of the highest order. This is the case in many US states and cities, while rural areas are mostly open. This is being called a “partial reopening”, but is there a purpose behind this.

  • Rockefeller Medicine

    As Americans fret about the Obamacare website and wonder how the country became enslaved to the highest healthcare costs in the world, we turn back the pages to look at how the modern medical paradigm came together in the early 20th century, courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation and their cronies. Join us this week as we explore the real history of modern healthcare and the real motivations behind the family that brought it to you.



  • Seasonal FLU TWICE as Deadly as Coronavirus

    Take a look at the numbers from the W.H.O. in an “apples to apples” comparison, the Coronavirus has HALF the mortality rate of the seasonal flu when it comes to "death to confirmed cases" ratio.

  • Second Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits

    Judy Anne Mikovits - a former American research scientist and a controversial virologist.

    © https://plandemicseries.com

    Other people are publishing our results with different interpretations, and everyone of the perpetrators of the crimes continue to be paid tens of millions of dollars, for ex. one was awarded a $34000000 grant right after that [our] study was published by Tony Fauci, to set up the center for discovery and diagnostics, and he's been spending it on corona viruses in the different labs ever since.

  • The Blue Dot documentary (russian & romaninan subtitles)

    Документальный фильм "The Blue Dot" имеет целью информировать общественность о том, что на самом деле происходит на планете.

    "The Blue Dot" затронет все вызовы, угрожающие будущему человечества. Пандемии, войны, изменение климата, экономическое разрушение, внедрение универсального базового дохода, цифровизация планеты и личный контроль с помощью микрочипов — все это лишь этапы на пути к достижению цели: абсолютного контроля над ресурсами планеты, а также над умом и телом человека.

    Трансгуманистские философы считают, что современное общество разрушает планету. По их мнению, этот разрушительный процесс может достигнуть апогея к 2030 году. После этого десятилетия "Новый Мировой Порядок" будет сформирован небольшой элитой, которая будет наслаждаться всеми материальными благами. Этот дистопический сценарий уже начал принимать форму, и глобалистские элиты официально сформулировали его в рамках программы, названной "Повестка дня 2030".

    Под красивыми лозунгами, такими как "Конец бедности" или "0 Голод", и украшенные красочными обертками, скрывается план, направленный на изменение всех аспектов наших свободных обществ в пользу нескольких частных конгломератов.

    Этот "Новый Мировой Порядок" имеет несколько названий: "Великий сброс", "Повестка дня 2030", "Экологизм", "Глобализм", "Трансгуманизм"... но все они служат одной программе, направленной на внедрение новой модели общества под контролем глобалистских элит.

    В рамках этого глобалистического плана термин "психопандемия" был представлен как "ускоряющее средство". Эти новые правители, не имея демократической легитимности, теперь претендуют на право управлять людьми во имя всемирного здоровья и безопасности на основе якобы научных доказательств. План не пошел так гладко, как они ожидали, но, вероятно, они попробуют его осуществить снова...

  • THE RABBIT HOLE by the Plandemic Team

    THE RABBIT HOLE by the Plandemic Team


    Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it.

    Gautama Buddha

  • The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

    The Unauthorized Biography of David Rockefeller

    David Rockefeller, last surviving grandson of oiligarch John D. Rockefeller, is dead. So what does it mean? How do we measure the life of someone who has shaped the modern world to such an extent?




  • Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC

    Too Little, Too Late? India Stands Up to the CDC


    For some reason, the US CDC was secretly funding research on a highly dangerous weapons-grade biological pathogen at an under-qualified research facility in India.

    In early May, the US Centers for Disease Creation and Propaganda (CDC) announced a $3.6 million grant to “further strengthen and support the Indian government’s efforts to increase laboratory capacity for SARS-COV-2 testing.” But just days later, it was reported that the grant may be delayed because the CDC was placed on a “watch list” by the Indian Ministry of Home Affairs last December.

    Wait, what? The Indian government placed the CDC on a “watch list” last year? Why?

  • trustWHO (2018)

    Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane.

    Martin Luther King

    If tomorrow they'll ask you to walk on your hands, believe me, you will walk on your hands.

    © https://bit.ly/2I8vtA3


    A damning investigation into the World Health Organisation's hidden practices.

    Is the WHO sick? The filmmaker and mother Lilian Franck reveals clandestine influences by the tobacco, pharmaceutical and nuclear industries on the organization. She shows a frightening portrayal of our present society, in which governmental politics is becoming obsolete.

  • Who Controls The Narrative

    Those who tell the stories - rule society.


    © https://plandemicseries.com

    Today, a handful of corporate empires own and control the vast majority of everything you read, hear, and watch, from the biggest movie studios television and radio networks, newspapers and magazines, to the vast universe of internet news and entertainment sites.

    News personalities are not the only high paid actors to serve the propaganda machine. Most late night talk shows are owned by the same corporate overlords, and thus follow the same script, only laced with a laugh. These late night talk show host usually open with commentary about conspiracy theories that are completely unrelated to the subject aimed debunk objective. This is a standard tactic used by propagandists to set a tone so that anything that follows will be seen through the lens of absurdity. Instead of challenging the point with science and rational arguments - they kills it with a smear.

    More content @ Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
    More content @ Second Interview with Judy Anne Mikovits
  • Who Is Bill Gates?

    Who Is Bill Gates?

    Bill Gates is no public health expert. He is not a doctor, an epidemiologist or an infectious disease researcher. Yet somehow he has become a central figure in the lives of billions of people, presuming to dictate the medical actions that will be required for the world to go “back to normal.” The transformation of Bill Gates from computer kingpin to global health czar is as remarkable as it is instructive, and it tells us a great deal about where we are heading as the world plunges into a crisis the likes of which we have not seen before.

  • Who Is W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

    Who Is W.H.O. Director Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus?

    Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has come under increased scrutiny not only for his questionable response to the pandemic itself, but also for his background, which could go a long way toward explaining why he seems so sympathetic to communist China.

  • Why Expose Bill Gates

    Question everything, come to your own conclusions.

    Why Bill Gates? Why are all these people on the internet trying to warn about Bill Gates in the midst of this global pandemic? Isn’t Gates a philanthropist who’s trying to help the world out by donating his fortune to good causes?”


    Gates's Population Control Grid


  • Включенный микрофон в Белом Доме, случайно записал любопытное о ко..гхм..вирусе

    Я просто осторожно так оставлю это тут...

  • Куда делась эпидемия коронавируса?

    Интересно наблюдать, как в странах Европы статистика по коронавирусу побила рекорды самого жаркого периода эпидемии весны этого года, но в СМИ - тишина, в новостях ничего про коронавирус не слышно. Все нормально, никто не закрывает страны, рестораны, магазины.

  • Юриспруденция про пандемию, маски, локдауны

    Юриспруденция про пандемию, маски, локдауны
    Начальник заставляет носить "намордник"?

    Начальник заставляет носить "намордник"?

    Это видео актуально для тех вынужден ходить в маске во время работы, понимая, весь этот абсурд и не желая травить себя. Как защитить свое право свободно дышать. Запись на индивидуальную консультацию +37367342282 Из которой вы получите: 1. Пакет документов для защиты от принуждения термометрии и ношения маски 2. Инструкции как вести себя при разговоре с полицейским. Что делать если на вас собираются составить протокол и что делать если протокол уже составлен. 3. Как указать работодателю на незаконность принуждения ношения маски на работе и незаконность выполнения обязанностей по принуждению других ношения маски и термометрии 4. Как составить иск или обжаловать протокол в суде.