
  • A'AN - Off World (© Илья Бирман. Эмбиент на тему Blade Runner)

  • AES DANA - [ Pollen ] (2012) [Psybient, Trance]

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    Умиротворяющий ландшафтный эмбиент, преимущественно формируемый массивными тональными конструкциями и циклически повторяющимися музыкальными темами, с отдельными вкраплениями многократно отражаемых высоко - и среднечастотных семплов и вокала. Нередко в композициях появляются трансовые ритмические структуры, органично переплетающиеся с основной эмбиентной подложкой.

    01. Jetlag Corporation
    02. Borderline
    03. Conditioned (Album Edit)
    04. Tree.Some
    05. A Carmine Day
    06. 101 Clouds
    07. Riven
    08. The Meeting Point
    09. Horizontal Rain
    10. Low Tide Explorations

    Aes Dana - французский исполнитель электронной музыки в жанре психоделического эмбиента. Под псевдонимом Aes Dana скрывается Винсент Виллюи (фр. Vincent Villuis) - бывший участник проекта Asura. Некоторый вклад в творчество Aes Dana вносит эмбиент-музыкант Mahiane (также известная как Sunbeam).

    Наряду с Mahiane, Aes Dana - сооснователь хорошо известного психоделического лейбла Ultimae Records, и часто выполняет сведение и мастеринг альбомов и компиляций, издающихся этой компанией. Вместе с Магнусом Биргерсоном (известным под псевдонимом Solar Fields) Aes Dana составляет дуэт H.U.V.A. Network.

    French composer Vincent Villuis aka AES Dana follows up on his highly acclaimed [ Perimeters ] album released in 2011 with a vibrant and powerful opus titled [ Pollen ] which presents 10 tracks fusing IDM / Downtempo, Deep Tech and Progressive Trance.
    A cinematic album which offers new perceptions of the work of the composer who weaved symphonic pads into deep bass grooves and haunting themes while bringing out a certain melancholia brushed by stratified rhythms.

    Passionate about the concept of pollination and how it transposes with music, sounds, technology and humanity, the artist recorded and gathered moments of his life as he walked through cities, fields, seaside and airports. Back in the studio, he introduced these field recordings in his electronic compositions to yield tracks that are eclectic yet retain a common essence.
    In this configuration, man and machine are both pollinators and pollenizers; music is the pollen.

    [Pollen] evokes to me the soundtrack of a night walk through a futurist city.

    Urbanism, technology, machines making sounds and communicating through signals we couldn't understand alone but making sense altogether.

    You'll finish your walk surrounded by water, reminding you that the composer is still human, bound to nature ; but this album is definitely oriented towards the future.

    Filled with details, consistent and entertaining, [Pollen] is an other great notch to Aes Dana's discography. Favorite track: A carmine day.




  • Altitudes - Altitude II [PsyChill]

    Altitudes - Altitude II [PsyChill]

    A Co-up between Gabriel Masurel aka Blue Planet Coropration, Johannes Regnier aka Silicon Sound & Yannis Kamarinos aka Jaïa. The track floats by smoothly and hypnotizing. Based around a rather simple theme and some chilled beats it constantly keeps surprising with small variations, adding layers of sound and atmosphere. Solid craftsmanship and a nice opener!


    A classical chill out track, very floating, with a great introduction, and some subtle rhythmics. This and the cosmic atmosphere will surely please many listeners.

    A very nice track that would fit perfectly as an intro to a melodic full-on set. This piece is generally a happy tune with a slight pinch of depression at times. The melodies are simple, yet overwhelming.

    A track filled with rumbling skittering noises followed by a surrounding atmosphere that will cover your chakra with warmth and bliss. You are leaded by a exiting sample about destiny while a beautiful synth captures your attention, and the beat slowly but lovely kicks in.

    It’s beautiful, harmonic and peaceful. Like floating in space while watching your face disappear. Altitude is still trippy and floating.

    You will get a pleasant guitar sample at the ending of this spacey chill track. A beautiful introduction to an album.

    The tune is sweet, dreamy & floating, it's a journey riding on a white cloud around the world, through the birthing icy crystals out there in the sky.




  • Alucidnation - 15 Below [Deep Ambient]

    Alucidnation - 15 Below [Deep Ambient]



  • Alucidnation - Sound to Sleep To [Soundscape, Deep Ambient]

    A selection from my purely ambient canon of work containing little or no percussion, featuring tracks that I penned dating from 1992 through to 2002 or thereabouts.

    These pieces can be used to calm frayed nerves or just relax with - alternatively they can be used as background audio just before succumbing to sleep... from my own point of view, I find this album a great antidote for dealing with traffic congestion in central London whilst behind the wheel.

    In 2006, Classic FM broadcast an alucidnation special and the majority of these tracks formed the backbone of the programme.

    Most of these tracks evolve over long periods.

    All noises by Bruce Bickerton.

  • alucidnation Discography [Electronic, Ambient, Soundscape, Acoustic]

    alucidnation Discography [Electronic, Ambient, Soundscape]

    Bruce Bickerton - a producer of repute, a remixer and a broadcaster.







  • Ambient @ Bandcamp [PsyChill, Deep, Dark, Electronic, Experimental]

    Ambient @ Bandcamp [PsyChill, Deep, Dark, Electronic, Experimental]

    Archives (10 Years Affin)




    Lost Here


    Changes (Remixes)

  • Anthony Boast - Braga Raga (Acoustic Dreams) [Acoustic Ambient, Instrumental]

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    Каждая композиция альбома - это целая вселенная звука. Полет фантазии бельгийского композитора Энтони Боаста создает ощущение воздушности и недосказанности, вызывая желание прослушать диск не один раз.

    Неповторимая атмосфера создана при полном отсутствии электронных составляющих и цифровой обработки.

    Braga Raga - волшебное, завораживающее путешествие в мир акустической музыки.

    1. Grateful (Mandolin Solo)
    2. Nearly Mumbai (Mandolin / Cumbus / Tabla)
    3. Kuantan (Braga Harp Guitar / Water Gong / Viola Braguesa / Kanjira)
    4. Lament (Mandolin / Esraj / Tuned Hand Drums)
    5. Chit-Chat (Tabla / Hand Drums)
    6. Breathless (Viola Braguesa / Tabla / Udu Pots / Bells)
    7. Modave (Classical Guitar)



  • Ashra - New Age Of Earth (1977) (Remastered 1990) [Space Ambient]

    Релиз времён расцвета берлинской школы электронной музыки, за долго до зарождения таких направлений как эмбиент и нью-эйдж. Альбом можно описать как «замысловатые, движущиеся, интеллектуальные, навязчивые электронные звуковые пейзажи космоса, темного эмбиента, постиндастриала, монотонности и сюрреализма».

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    Ash Ra Tempel - немецкая краут-рок группа, созданная гитаристом Manuel Gottsching и барабанщиком и клавишником Klaus Schulze в 1970 году. Первый одноименный альбом группа выпустила в 1971 году. Музыка на первых альбомах Ash Ra Tempel представляет собой немецкий вариант психоделического рока с электронной составляющей, что-то в духе Amon Duul II и ранних Hawkwind. На альбоме помещалось, как правило, всего два трека - один более динамичный и драйвовый, а второй - по принципу контраста - более атмосферный, расслабляющий. Все альбомы - признаются классикой жанра, наиболее выделяются те, где принимал участие К. Шульце ("Ash Ra Tempel" and "Join Inn").
    Позже после записи саундтрека к фильму Le Berceau de Cristal (1975; выпущен только в 1994 году) Manuel Gottsching укоротил имя группы до Ashra, и начал записывать более мелодичную и синтезаторную музыку. Часть альбомов Ashra можно охарактеризовать как нью-эйдж, в том числе классический альбом New Age of Earth (вышедший еще в 1975 году под маркой Ash Ra Tempel). Сам Manuel отрицает причастность к нью эйдж движению и предпочитает называть свою музыку "минимализмом". В 2002 году альбом New Age of Earth был включен в список The 25 Most Influential Ambient Albums Of All Time...


  • Astral Projection - Ambient Galaxy (Disco Valley Mix) [Psy Breaks] (1997's Classic!)

    Astral Projection - Ambient Galaxy (Disco Valley Mix) [Psy Breaks] (1997's Classic!)



  • Astropilot - Wingzzz (Shamanium: The Unreleased Files 2004 - 2006) [Dark Experimental Ambient]

    A collection of lost and found tracks by AstroPilot. Only a few audio-cds of these tracks were burned to promote him at the time.

    These stories and its music were written before the album “Fruits of The Imagination", and were originally planned to be AstroPilot’s debut album, but they were lost and forgotten...until now.

    How was AstroPilot's music when he started out? The answer lies in these shamanic, oriental ambient tunes...

    “Shamanium” was inspired by his trips to the Altai Mountains, in Siberia. The album is a reflection about the culture, sights and sounds of this magical place.

    All my thanks to Diogo C. Borges (aka Becoming. Intense) for through his amazing mastering skills, he gave a second breath to the tracks, thus brought them back to life.

    Released May 18, 2010

    Artwork by Dj Zen @ Digitalys Studios

    Mastering by Diogo C. Borges


  • Asura - Virgin Delight [Psy Ambient]

    Asura - Virgin Delight [Psy Ambient]


  • BackSound


    One Of Them - Sithabo


    Blut Own - Gravity


    Blut Own - Flavor

  • BackSound Single @ Bandcamp


    Electronic Rock




    Soundscape Ambient

    Soundscape Ambient

    Atmospheric ChillStep




    Instrumental Ambient

    Instrumental Ambient

  • BackSound Vol. 2

    BackSound Vol. 2

    Denis Stelmakh - Eve Meditation


    Denis Stelmakh - Tears Apart (30​.​05​.​08)


    Denis Stelmakh - Dad (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

  • BackSound Vol. 3

    BackSound Vol. 3

    bvdub - A Careful Ecstasy


    bvdub - I'll Only Break Your Heart


    alucidnation - EP​:​02

  • BackSound Vol. 4

    BackSound Vol. 4

    Markus Guentner - Archives (10 Years Affin)


    Electrypnose - Technopera


    Synkro - Lost Here


    Synkro - Changes (Remixes)


    Banco de Gaia - For Such a Time


    Banco de Gaia - All Sleeping


    Banco de Gaia - Apollon


    Banco de Gaia - Warp and Weft


    Banco de Gaia - The Princess and the Sky Goat


    Banco de Gaia - Ollopa: Apollo Remixed


    Vol. 3

    Vol. 5

  • BackSound Vol. 5

    BackSound Vol. 5

    Ashra - New Age Of Earth (1977) (Remastered 1990)

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    Home - Before The Night

  • BackSound Vol. 6

    BackSound Vol. 6



  • BackSound Vol. 7

    BackSound Vol. 3








    Vol. 6