Bill Gates’ Web of Dark Money and Influence – Part 3: Health Surveillance, Event 201 and the Rockefeller Connection

Question everything, come to your own conclusions.

Over the last four months Bill Gates has made dozens of media appearances where he has called for several controversial “solutions” to  COVID-19. Gates says these proposals must be implemented before society can go back to “normal.” From calling for extended lock downs, health surveillance (aka contact tracing) and digital certificates.

The rush to get the public a vaccine which has not been properly tested is even more worrisome considering Gates’ recent statements about the need to vaccinate the entire world’s population. In a blog on his website, Gate states, “The goal is to pick the one or two best vaccine constructs and vaccinate the entire world—that’s 7 billion doses if it is a single-dose vaccine, and 14 billion if it is a two-dose vaccine.”